
Add some improvements to the 2018 budget

It’s that time of the year again. Business leaders are finalizing budgets for the next year. It’s also a good time to think about what projects and improvements to make in 2018.

Here are a couple ideas to mull over when budgeting for large improvements.

Decide what needs to be improved

Look around. Do you see any bottlenecks or processes that don’t seem to run correctly? Does one department lag behind? Ask co-workers and team members about what they have noticed. Form a team, informally or formally, to gather ideas and get a consensus.

Explore the possibilities and benefits

How would improvement help the department or company? Think large. Improvements can always be scaled back or broken into smaller segments to improve affordability. Large projects sometimes take a couple of years to complete. Remember the joke, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer: “One bite at a time.” Small steps make the impossible possible.  

Know the cost

What’s the Return on Investment? Money is a sensitive issue. Cost reduction is one key reason why companies seek outside help. It’s also why many companies reject outside firms and choose to optimize using internal resources. Don’t let this be a stopper. Implementation Engineers almost always finds the financial benefits to finance our services within your initiative. We are usually able to find savings, which cover our fees, early in our work.

Ask an expert

Learn more about the project and its planning. Seek out information through research. Write down your questions. Don’t be afraid to reach out to specialists and ask a bunch of questions. Implementation Engineers’ team members are specialists, and they like questions. They each average 20 to 30 years of business experience and represent a wealth of knowledge in a variety of industries. Since many of them are engineers, they’ve got a pretty good handle on how things work and what doesn’t work. A majority of Implementation Engineers are practitioners of Lean Six Sigma, which is a great methodology to get companies running in a positive direction.

Request a site visit

Ask Implementation Engineers to come to your site and observe operations. You’ll want to meet us, learn how we can help, and ask us all kinds of questions about the possibilities or what changes could be made. This visit is on our dime.

Give us a call

Call us at +1 (312) 474-6184, we’d love to answer your questions and help your company get started down the path to sustainable results or visit to learn about Implementation Engineers’ capabilities, methodology, and our people.

Implementation Engineers is a business-optimization firm that specializes in accelerated performance and improved financial gains while providing immediate results. We differentiate our services by being solely focused on implementation. For this reason, our services go Beyond ConsultingSM.

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